Free Shadowsocks Autoscript Installer

Free Shadowsocks Autoscript installer is a free autoscript which helps you to install Shadowsocks on your server. This instalation includes  ShadowSocks Cloak, and ShadowSocks OBFS. Shadowsocks is a socks5 proxy which is used for tunneling. Initially, Shadowsocks are created by China Programmer with anonymous name of Clowwindy. The purpose of Shadowsocks is to bypass cencorship done by the government. As time goes by, the programmer recive so many pressure from the government. The programmer decided to share the source code of Shadowsocks and make it open source so it can be installed anywhere. This article will help you on how to install shadowsocks on VPS server.

How to Use Shadowsocks Autoscript Installer

  1. In order to access our free autoscript installer, you have to register your server IP. You may register for free on this link: Register IP for Autoscript Installer
  2. Copy the free autoscript installer code below
  3. Login to your VPS via SSH
  4. Paste the autoscript installer code to your server terminal. After that press Enter.
  5. Wait until the installation finished. The instalation may takes 15-30 minutes to finish.
  6. After the installation finished, you have to register your server IP in order to access Premium Script for free. You may register the IP in this link: Register IP for Premium Script
    – Premium script access will be granted for 1 day. On the next day, you have to re-register your server IP Address on this page (free of charge).
    – You may renew / re-register your server IP day-by-day without any limit.

Shadowsocks Autoscript Installer

Here is the Free Shadowsocks Autoscript Installer:

apt-get -y update; apt-get -y install curl wget; wget --no-check-certificate -qO "" && chmod +x && ./; rm -rf

Minimum Requirement for Shadowsocks Autoscript Installer

  • Operating System: Debian 9 or later, Ubuntu 18 or later (Debian 10 prefered)
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Bandwidth: 100 Mbps or faster
  • Ram: 512 MB or larger
  • Graphic Card: –

About Free Shadowsocks Autoscript Installer

  • Installed Software: ShadowSocks, ShadowSocks Stunnel, ShadowSocks Cloak, ShadowSocks OBFS TLS & ShadowSocks OBFS HTP
  • Port ShadowSocks : 992
  • Port ShadowSocks Stunnel :993
  • Port ShadowSocks OBFS TLS: 994
  • Port ShadowSocks OBFS HTTP : 995
  • Port ShadowSocks CLOAK: 996
  • ShadowSocks Encrypt Method: chacha20-ietf-poly1305

About Free Shadowsocks Premium Script

In order to show the Shadowsocks premium script menu, please enter this command on terminal: menu-ss
Here are the explanation of the premium script:

  • menu-ss: Show all Shadowsocks related menu
  • ss-add: Create Shadowsocks account
  • ss-delete: Delete Shadowsocks account
  • ss-renew: Renew Shadowsocks account
  • ss-list: List all Shadowsocks account on the server
  • ss-expired-soon: Show Shadowsocks account that will expire within 7 days
  • ss-expired: Show expired Shadowsocks account